Virtual portraits during CB

#circuitbreaker #facetimephotoshoot #pixioovirtualportraits
#ourCBportraits #thedailyportraitsg

Some day in the future, these portraits might serve as a reminder of our lives and emotions during these unsettling times.


  1. Find the source of light, figure out where is the best light available in the house.

  2. Take pictures of places at your house that you deem appropriate for the photoshoot to take place at or can we do a short virtual tour before the photoshoot commence.

  3. Iphone facetime will be the first choice.

  4. Good internet connections.

  5. Just enjoy and have fun!


Within a span of 2 weeks, 100 Singaporeans participated in these virtual shoots for Dear Covid-19. We are really thankful to those we’ve met virtually during the session and sharing your stories with us. Thank you for allowing us to be part of this meaningful period of your life.

We have learnt that Covid-19 is not the end of the world and we are all in this together although it’s not going to be easy. It's important to be kind to each other and stay united as we brave through this global pandemic together. The world is working through it all and we should stay positive and chin up!

Shot for DSTNCT, Dear Covid-19
Head over to the website to view more of the projects